Download here Part 2 of the Introduction to metal coating technology for Electron microscopy series
Part 2: Basic principles of sputter coating
This paper is part of a series of 4 technical notes on sputter coating technology. Together they form the text “INTRODUCTION TO METAL COATING TECHNOLOGY FOR ELECTRON MICROSCOPY”. This document is intended to provide the reader with insights into the sputter coating sample preparation technique that is used extensively in electron microscopy (EM) labs worldwide.
Although sputter coating is well known and accepted as a sample preparation technique for electron microscopy, the fine details of this technology are not always well understood.
The content of the 4 chapters looks as follows:
Part 1: Charging effects in electron microscopy, and how to avoid them
Part 2: Basic principles of sputter coating
Part 3: How various parameters influence the sputter coating process
Part 4: LUXOR A2 technology: SEM coating made smart and easy
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